Friday, June 1, 2012

Architecture in Florence

Florence was only a quick stop along the way for us. I think we had about 3 hours half of which was taken up by a brief walking tour before some free time to wander. I'll be honest, some of us where a bit worse for wear so Florence probably wasn't enjoyed to its fullest, but with three hours we never had much of a chance anyway.

Some of the architecture was amazing and I really loved all the winding alleys that opened up, unexpectedly, onto extensive courtyards; was definitely a pleasant way to spend the afternoon.

From Florence we headed to our accommodation in Tuscany. I feel like its cheating by saying I've been to Tuscany - we got there late at night and left first thing in the morning - I don't think that really counts.

What's in store for tomorrow's post you ask....a cylindrical building on a precarious angle, that's what.


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